
Showing posts from December, 2023

Getting Started with Arduino Cloud Trigger

It's not preferred to continuously monitor the value from an IoT Device but rather get precise alerts whenever particular condition gets awake.  We will see how to add Trigger in Arduino Cloud. Hardware Setup: 1. MQ4 (Gas Sensor) 2. ESP32: Connections:  VCC Pin of Gas Sensor -> 3V3 Pin of ESP32 GND Pin of Gas Sensor -> GND pin of ESP32 A0 Pin of Gas Sensor ->  34 Pin of ESP32 (NOTE: ESP32 may vary in Models make sure to install specific Drivers if needed) Generally there are 2 variables supported in Arduino Cloud for Trigger. 1. Boolean Variable 2. String Variable Here we are going to see Email alerts based on Boolean Variable Condition. If you are new to Arduino Cloud please watch this video. If you are familiar to setup and create dashboard you can move further. Step 1: Go to Triggers and click -> create trigger Step 2: Add Trigger Name and click -> Rename Step 3: Click -> Done (We will come back to this page again)  Step 4: Go to -> Things....